Testing Database Connectivity

Working with databases and new application installations can be really fun.  Problem is, when there is a problem, everyone starts the blame game.  Nothing unusual about that, part of an administrators job is to troubleshoot and prove where the problem starts.  When dealing with external databases, there can be numerous problem, the firewall could be […]

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Pain often equals Progress

It has been one of those weeks.  Not fun, to many hours worked, personal events missed, you know the kind of week I am talking about.  If not…what do you do for a living?! Despite all the pain and stress this week has resulted in Progress, an increased understanding of certain products and new ways […]

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Troubleshooting C and C++ compilation

Here’s a list of cryptic compiler messages and what I think they are trying to tell you GPU_MD.h(12): here is inaccessible Your C++ class constructor is defined as private in the Class header.  Don’t forget to use the public keyword to make your constructor public.

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Splunk Installation

Fairly short and sweet to get the agent installed; details are below. 1)      Install the appropriate package from a designated and trusted source: 2)     The default installation path, ${INSTALL_PATH} = /opt/splunkforwarder 3)      Next, create a file with the path /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/system/local/deploymentclient.conf with the contents: [deployment-client] [target-broker:deploymentServer] targetUri = splunkdeploy.uits.uconn.edu:8089 4)      Run the following (supplying your own […]

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