System Services

Technical Know-How, Inc. offers Linux system administration for customer-owned servers running Red Hat, Debian, and Ubuntu operating systems. This service is appropriate for highly available mission-critical services as well as test, development, and standalone servers.


The service spans the complete server life cycle, including:

  • specifications, standards, and planning;
  • installation, configuration, and deployment;
  • support, maintenance, monitoring, and documentation; and
  • retirement or replacement.

Technical Know-How, Inc. supports the following Linux Operating Systems:

  • Red Hat Enterprise
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu

Other operating systems, including any custom Linux kernels, may be subject to an additional “non-standard” OS monthly charge.

Server Hardware

Technical Know-How, Inc. supports most Intel based rack-mounted hardware. Additional storage or other hardware devices may qualify for a non-standard hardware rate. Please confer with Technical Know-How, Inc. prior to purchase.


Three levels of support are available:

  • Basic Support (8-5 M-F EST)
    • Equipment and operating system matches minimum standards for support.
    • Automated monitoring and alerting of critical errors, server, or service level outages.
    • Technical staff to respond to monitoring alerts and urgent pages from clients.
    • Review of event logs and backups.
    • Changes to the hardware, operating system, applications or service, no after-business hours support.
  • Standard Support (24x7x365)
    • Equipment and operating system matches minimum standards for support.
    • Automated monitoring and alerting of critical errors, server, or service level outages.
    • Technical staff to respond to monitoring alerts, and urgent pages form clients.
    • Review of event logs and backups.
    • Changes to the hardware, operating system, applications or service are made in standard off-hours maintenance windows
  • Non-Standard
    • The services are the same as Standard Support above, but this service covers any hardware, application, or operating system that does not match minimum standards.

In addition, Technical Know-How, Inc. offers custom service modules, either ongoing or project-based, as required by the client. These are classified, billed, and managed separately from the basic system administration services above.

Finally, Technical Know-How, Inc. does not provide application programming support (unless contracted for such service), although certain staff may be able to answer questions pertaining to languages and tools.


Customer must supply hardware. Please confer with Technical Know-How, Inc. prior to purchase.

Data security restrictions

Technical Know-How, Inc. adheres to industry security best practices.  Specific security policies will be outlined and agreed to in your Service Level Agreement.


Three levels of support are available:  Basic (Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.); Standard (24x7x365); and Non-Standard (custom).