My MySQL Cheat Sheet

I know, man.  No, I mean I know I could use ‘man pages’!  Or I could just ‘google it’ but then it isn’t mine.  Since I do not have time for a complete brain-dump this MySql “cheat sheet” will grow over time.  Feel free to add your favorite MySql commands in the comments, if their […]

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Putting ‘lsof’ to use

lsof is a powerful tool that has proven very userful over the years in troubleshooting and forensic investigations.  Here are some useful lsof command examples: In this example we are looking at all the files a given process has open (pid=1655 here this is the zabbix agent) lsof -p 1767 Note you can clean up […]

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Changing the Volume Group Name

One of the problems with cloning a system is that it has the same volume group names as the server it was cloned from.  Not a huge problem but it can limit your ability to leverage the volume group.  The fix appears easy but there is a gotcha. RedHat provides a nice utility: vgrename If […]

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Splunk Installation

Fairly short and sweet to get the agent installed; details are below. 1)      Install the appropriate package from a designated and trusted source: 2)     The default installation path, ${INSTALL_PATH} = /opt/splunkforwarder 3)      Next, create a file with the path /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/system/local/deploymentclient.conf with the contents: [deployment-client] [target-broker:deploymentServer] targetUri = 4)      Run the following (supplying your own […]

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