screen your work…

The Linux screen command is a very useful tool for many reasons. For one you don’t need to worry about losing your session.  Sometimes long running jobs with little or no output can lead to your remote session terminating, not usually a helpful thing.  Other benefits of the screen command are session logging (thing documentation) […]

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vi & vim aids

For my quick reference. To open two files in vi/vim and edit side by side (use CTRL-W + w to switch between the files): # vim -O foo.txt bar.txt To open a file and automatically move the cursor to a particular line number (for example line 80) # vi +80 ~/.ssh/known_hosts To display line numbers along the […]

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Stuck in Full Screen

We all like a little more real estate when working on a computer, especially when browsing the web.  Why?  Because scrolling…well isn’t efficient.  One problem, chrome decided I should never leave Full Screen mode!  That creates a real problem as everything but the page content is “above the fold” so to speak.  Rather than discontinue […]

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