Crontab Sudo Shenanigans

OK, here is a situation I haven’t seen in a while and it tripped me.  There I admitted it! We have an application that requires a restart of Apache everyday (that is a different discussion).  Regardless I gave them sudo access so they could script the job to run with their process.  Obviously I thought […]

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My MySQL Cheat Sheet

I know, man.  No, I mean I know I could use ‘man pages’!  Or I could just ‘google it’ but then it isn’t mine.  Since I do not have time for a complete brain-dump this MySql “cheat sheet” will grow over time.  Feel free to add your favorite MySql commands in the comments, if their […]

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Extended ACLs

To remove permanently ACL from a file: # setfacl -bn file.txt To remove permanently ACL from an entire directory: # setfacl -b –remove-all To overwrite permissions, setting them to rw for files and rwx for dirs $ find . ( -type f -exec setfacl -m g:mygroup:rw ‘{}’ ‘;’ ) -o ( -type d -exec […]

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Fixing Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory

When this error: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory Shows up in /var/log/messages When trying to setup public key authenticated automatic logins, the problem is a permissions one. You’ll need to perform the following commands on the user account you are trying to setup: chmod go-w ~/ chmod 700 ~/.ssh chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

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