Installing an rpm on Debian

My days of supporting Debian are numbered.  That isn’t a complaint, it will actually be nice to support one platform soon.  Until then I thought I’d share a little. I needed to install oci8 to support a PHP application.  In doing this I ran into the following two problems, here are the solutions that worked […]

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Testing Database Connectivity

Working with databases and new application installations can be really fun.  Problem is, when there is a problem, everyone starts the blame game.  Nothing unusual about that, part of an administrators job is to troubleshoot and prove where the problem starts.  When dealing with external databases, there can be numerous problem, the firewall could be […]

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Our developers had to have OCI.  Now that I got that out of the way. 😉 We use Oracle as our DB for most applications (calm down, like you couldn’t have figured that out).  In setting up a new application server for a custom application it came to my attention that the application used oci […]

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