Starting Google Apps and GAM (Google Apps Manager)

GAM is a command-line tool for manipulating Google Apps accounts. It is written in Python, and uses Google’s gdata Python module.

GAM is documented at The gdata Python module is documented at

Installing GAM
When you install GAM, it installs the Python script, and the gdata module in its own directory. See instructions on the GAM page linked above.

Configuring GAM
To use GAM, you need to configured it to use your Google Apps Management credentials. This involves running this on the command-line;

python info domain

This will guide you through the process, during which your web browser will open to a page on Google Apps where you can verify certain information. The link to GAM above explains the details. Once you have authenticated, a credentials file called oauth.txt is created in the current directory. Future invocations of python will automatically load and use the credentials in oauth.txt.

Using GAM
Once you have configured to automatically authenticate when run, you can run with a number of parameters. For example, to get information on the user joe.user, you could do this

python info user

and see something like this

User: joe.user
First Name: Joe
Last Name: User
Is an admin: false
Has agreed to terms: true
IP Whitelisted: false
Account Suspended: false
Must Change Password: false
Email Aliases (Nicknames):

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