Copying a file to multiple locations

I thought this was cool enough to share.  I have not had to use it however so I doubt it is all that useful 😉 xargs -n 1 cp -v foo.txt<<<“/tmp1/ /tmp2/ /tmp3/” Here we are copying one file named foo.txt to multiple directories called /tmp/1/, /tmp/2/, and /tmp/3 using xargs.  The xargs command construct […]

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Disable All User Login Access

There are occasions when you want to make sure users can not log into a system.  This can be due to a maintenance period or I have used it as part of the process for retiring a system.  It is simple enough but I thought it worth documenting for prosperity. # cd /{root of user […]

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MySql, phpMyAdmin user creation and grant errors

Recently I got a report from a user that they could not create a database using phpMyAdmin.  When I logged in and did some testing I began getting errors when I attempted to create a user, a database or grant privileges as root… The root cause was a misalignment of the grants due to a […]

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