RHEL – Installing X Windows (required for Oracle Installs)

This is the quick and easy way to install X windows on your RHEL server > yum groupinstall “X Window System” “Fonts” To verify that is works, you ssh to your box using -X and then run “xclock” to verify that X windowing works. > ssh -X  myaccount@myhost > echo $DISPLAYl localhost:11.0 > xclock

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Kerberizing RHEL Server

Notes from Plone… yum install krb5-workstation pam_krb5 -y # if krb5.conf is present we should get a fresh copy mv /etc/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf.bak yum reinstall krb5-libs -y sed -ie ‘s/example.com/FQDN/g’ /etc/krb5.conf sed -ie ‘s/EXAMPLE.COM/FQDN/g’ /etc/krb5.conf fqdn=`hostname –fqdn`; echo ” ank -randkey host/$fqdn@FQDN ktadd -k /etc/krb5.keytab host/$fqdn@FQDN “; — OR — kadmin netid/admin@FQDN addprinc -randkey host/$fqdn ktadd […]

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