Issues with Tomcat7 on RHEL7

On RHEL7, up until tomcat v7.0.59 Redhat maintained backwards compatibility with RHEL6 structures.  Once you upgrade to tomcat 7.0.70-x all that changes.  Two things specifically: First: One big change is the use of $CATALINA_OPTS, if you have multiple lines defining various $CATALINA_OPT properties your installation will break.  Once you upgrade you must specify all of […]

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When Tomcat stops responding to Apache

Today our multi-node tomcat servers became unresponsive to user/web traffic.  A quick look at our monitoring tools indicated that the tomcat servers were running healthily.  While the application administrator looked at catalina.out to see if we were missing something, I dug into the load balancer logs.  I immediately saw the following errors: [Date] [error] ajp_read_header: […]

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In support of the Kuali project. Setting up true fail over for the Kuali application servers.  Currently if a node went down, the user would need to re-authenticate.  The following procedure configures the system so it can lose a node and the users on that node will not lose their session. My part on the […]

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CASify PSI-Probe

PSI-Probe is an extended Tomcat manager.  This post outlines how to place it behind CAS and specify permissions based on an LDAP attribute.  The method outlined in this post has been adapted from documentation from Jasig on Tomcat Container Authentication, written by Marvin S. Addison. Although the current stable build of PSI-Probe cannot be placed behind CAS […]

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