RHEL: Adding Disk Space

So your Disk is getting full or worse already full. Here’s a step-by-step approach to troubleshoot and resolve this issue: First, verify the current state of your volume group: vgdisplay vc_name This will show you the details of the ‘rhel’ volume group, including free space. Check the status of the new disk: Ensure that /dev/sdb […]

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Issues with Tomcat7 on RHEL7

On RHEL7, up until tomcat v7.0.59 Redhat maintained backwards compatibility with RHEL6 structures.  Once you upgrade to tomcat 7.0.70-x all that changes.  Two things specifically: First: One big change is the use of $CATALINA_OPTS, if you have multiple lines defining various $CATALINA_OPT properties your installation will break.  Once you upgrade you must specify all of […]

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Installing Splunk agent for log collection

Splunk agent downloads and directions for enabling Splunk log collection. Overview: This page describes the initial process for Splunk log collection.  The only server-side requirements  are 1) installation of the Splunk agent 2) configuration of that agent to ask the Splunk deployment server for its configuration.   A necessary follow-up step is a list of servers […]

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Copying a file to multiple locations

I thought this was cool enough to share.  I have not had to use it however so I doubt it is all that useful 😉 xargs -n 1 cp -v foo.txt<<<“/tmp1/ /tmp2/ /tmp3/” Here we are copying one file named foo.txt to multiple directories called /tmp/1/, /tmp/2/, and /tmp/3 using xargs.  The xargs command construct […]

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Disable All User Login Access

There are occasions when you want to make sure users can not log into a system.  This can be due to a maintenance period or I have used it as part of the process for retiring a system.  It is simple enough but I thought it worth documenting for prosperity. # cd /{root of user […]

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Yum Rollbacks

Very occasionally installing a package or updates with yum can have unexpected results.  Fortunately yum provides the ability to roll back anything it installs.  Here is an example of what these commands look like: # yum history Loaded plugins: package_upload, product-id, search-disabled-repos, security, subscription-manager ID | Login user | Date and time | Action(s) | […]

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Subnet Cheat Sheet

Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet Posted here because 95% of the networks are the same and when I encounter a different one I have to think about it…not any more! See RFC 1878 for more details & information. Addresses Hosts Netmask Amount of a Class C /30 4 2 1/64 /29 8 6 1/32 […]

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Network Interface Name in rhel7

Anyone who has installed rhel7 knows how annoying it is to check you network and not see eth0.  Perhaps it is just me then…  Regardless here are instructions on how to change it: First you need to know the name of the network adapter in use, you can look in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno##### or run this command: […]

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yum Invalid System Credential error

I ran across the following yum error after migrating a system from being a client of Satellite 5.6 to Satellite 6.1.  First here is the error: # yum update Loaded plugins: package_upload, priorities, rhnplugin, search-disabled-repos, security, subscription-manager There was an error communicating with RHN. RHN Satellite or RHN Classic support will be disabled. Error Message: […]

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Working with Repositories

Pulling packages from multiple sources can lead to problems.  If you are running rhel and have epel enabled an update could inadvertently pull down a newer version from the wrong repository.  This doesn’t always cause a problem, but it can.  If you need to tfind all the epel packages on your system, here is how […]

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