RHEL: Adding Disk Space

So your Disk is getting full or worse already full. Here’s a step-by-step approach to troubleshoot and resolve this issue: First, verify the current state of your volume group: vgdisplay vc_name This will show you the details of the ‘rhel’ volume group, including free space. Check the status of the new disk: Ensure that /dev/sdb […]

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Disk Woes

I hope to never use this document again but thought it worth documenting in case someone else has need of the information.  I powered my desktop off for a planned power outage.  When I powered it back on the system failed to boot reporting either “Error 17” or “Error 25”, in short the software raid […]

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Unresponsive VMware Images

Over the past week I have had two vmware images become unresponsive.  When trying to access the images via the vmware console any action reports: rejecting I/O to offline device A reboot fixes the problem, however for a Linux guy that isn’t exactly acceptable.  Upon digging a little deeper it appears the problem is with […]

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6GB free = 100% disk usage?!

What to do when you have plenty of available disk space but the system is telling you the disk is full?!  I was working on a server migration, moving 94GB of user files from the old server to the new server.  Since we aren’t planning on seeing a lot of growth on the new server, […]

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Flush This!

I came across this today and learned something new so thought I would share it here. After killing 2 processes that had hung I noticed the following in the ps output: root       373     2  0 Jun11 ?        00:00:00 [kdmflush] root       375     2  0 Jun11 ?        00:00:00 [kdmflush] root       863     2  0 Jun11 ?        00:00:00 [kdmflush] […]

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Changing the Volume Group Name

One of the problems with cloning a system is that it has the same volume group names as the server it was cloned from.  Not a huge problem but it can limit your ability to leverage the volume group.  The fix appears easy but there is a gotcha. RedHat provides a nice utility: vgrename If […]

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