Issues with Tomcat7 on RHEL7

On RHEL7, up until tomcat v7.0.59 Redhat maintained backwards compatibility with RHEL6 structures.  Once you upgrade to tomcat 7.0.70-x all that changes.  Two things specifically:

One big change is the use of $CATALINA_OPTS, if you have multiple lines defining various $CATALINA_OPT properties your installation will break.  Once you upgrade you must specify all of your $CATALINA_OPTS on a single line.  This has to do with the use of systemd, regardless all on one line or it won’t work.

Ensure tomcat7 is logging to /var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out

Create a new file /etc/rsyslog.d/tomcat.conf containing the next two lines:

programname,contains,"server" /var/log/tomcat/catalina.out
programname,contains,"server" ~

Afterwards, restart the rsyslog daemon:

service rsyslog restart

Those are the only issues I have found yet, I’ll update if more surface.



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