md5sum differences on identical systems

In troubleshooting a problem a colleague noticed that there were md5sum differences in the files of identical systems: ServerOne # md5sum /lib64/ 27a605fdeaf7c835493a098213c9eec1  /lib64/ ServerTwo # md5sum /lib64/ 13e3eb598abd09279efc05e215e77ae2 /lib64/libc-2.12.s Analyzing a hex dump of the .so files showed cyclical differences at matching locations.  This is where I began helping to look at the problem.  […]

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Installing Splunk agent for log collection

Splunk agent downloads and directions for enabling Splunk log collection. Overview: This page describes the initial process for Splunk log collection.  The only server-side requirements  are 1) installation of the Splunk agent 2) configuration of that agent to ask the Splunk deployment server for its configuration.   A necessary follow-up step is a list of servers […]

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MySql, phpMyAdmin user creation and grant errors

Recently I got a report from a user that they could not create a database using phpMyAdmin.  When I logged in and did some testing I began getting errors when I attempted to create a user, a database or grant privileges as root… The root cause was a misalignment of the grants due to a […]

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Apache Modules

I seem to always forget this command when I need it every 6-9 months, so here it is for my easy access: List all the loaded modules in apache (both DSO and Static) apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES

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