systemd commands, hints and cheatsheet

List all running services # systemctl Start/stop or enable/disable services Activates a service immediately: # systemctl start foo.service Deactivates a service immediately: # systemctl stop foo.service Restarts a service: # systemctl restart foo.service Shows status of a service including whether it is running or not: # systemctl status foo.service Enables a service to be started […]

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Timestamping your bash_history

I use this all the time and occasionally find a server that isn’t configured to timestamp the bash_history. It seemed like something I should preserve here for future reference. Adding a timestamp is really simple, just execute the following: echo ‘export HISTTIMEFORMAT=”%d/%m/%y %T “‘ >> ~/.bash_profile ; source ~/.bash_profile That’s it, now the history command […]

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Password Recovery in Redhat 7

Forgot your password on your rhel7 server? Well there are some differences to process from rhel6. Here is how you do it. With SELinux and systemd in the mix we have to deal with that. Here is the procedure of what needs to be done in order to recover a forgotten root password on Redhat […]

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When did that change?

Trying to shutdown an old web server from the late 1990’s that had it’s guts transplanted onto a newer system around 2003 and again around 2009. As you can imagine there are accounts and files that are like those items in your junk drawer, they beg the question…why is this here?! In an attempt to […]

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Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet

Here is a “Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet” since I don’t have to remember this that often any more. Information found also via RFC 1878. Addresses Hosts Netmask Amount of a Class C /30 4 2 1/64 /29 8 6 1/32 /28 16 14 1/16 /27 32 30 1/8 /26 64 62 […]

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Disk Woes

I hope to never use this document again but thought it worth documenting in case someone else has need of the information.  I powered my desktop off for a planned power outage.  When I powered it back on the system failed to boot reporting either “Error 17” or “Error 25”, in short the software raid […]

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Unresponsive VMware Images

Over the past week I have had two vmware images become unresponsive.  When trying to access the images via the vmware console any action reports: rejecting I/O to offline device A reboot fixes the problem, however for a Linux guy that isn’t exactly acceptable.  Upon digging a little deeper it appears the problem is with […]

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To reboot or not to reboot?

You have patches to apply, we all know that if there are kernel patches that you need to (or at least should) restart/reboot the server.  But what about other packages?  There are a few non-kernel patches which can cause havoc if you spply them and do not reboot the server.  The biggest package that most […]

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screen your work…

The Linux screen command is a very useful tool for many reasons. For one you don’t need to worry about losing your session.  Sometimes long running jobs with little or no output can lead to your remote session terminating, not usually a helpful thing.  Other benefits of the screen command are session logging (thing documentation) […]

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6GB free = 100% disk usage?!

What to do when you have plenty of available disk space but the system is telling you the disk is full?!  I was working on a server migration, moving 94GB of user files from the old server to the new server.  Since we aren’t planning on seeing a lot of growth on the new server, […]

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