Network Interface Name in rhel7

Anyone who has installed rhel7 knows how annoying it is to check you network and not see eth0.  Perhaps it is just me then…  Regardless here are instructions on how to change it: First you need to know the name of the network adapter in use, you can look in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno##### or run this command: […]

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Using redhat-support-tool in 10 space

OK, Private IP space, but you should know that 10 space means private IP space. The command redhat-support-tool is useful when working with a Red Hat support ticket. Once a ticket is opened with Red Hat your next step should be to create and attach an sosreport to the ticket. If you don’t then you […]

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yum Invalid System Credential error

I ran across the following yum error after migrating a system from being a client of Satellite 5.6 to Satellite 6.1.  First here is the error: # yum update Loaded plugins: package_upload, priorities, rhnplugin, search-disabled-repos, security, subscription-manager There was an error communicating with RHN. RHN Satellite or RHN Classic support will be disabled. Error Message: […]

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Password Recovery in Redhat 7

Forgot your password on your rhel7 server? Well there are some differences to process from rhel6. Here is how you do it. With SELinux and systemd in the mix we have to deal with that. Here is the procedure of what needs to be done in order to recover a forgotten root password on Redhat […]

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