Crontab Sudo Shenanigans

OK, here is a situation I haven’t seen in a while and it tripped me.  There I admitted it! We have an application that requires a restart of Apache everyday (that is a different discussion).  Regardless I gave them sudo access so they could script the job to run with their process.  Obviously I thought […]

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My MySQL Cheat Sheet

I know, man.  No, I mean I know I could use ‘man pages’!  Or I could just ‘google it’ but then it isn’t mine.  Since I do not have time for a complete brain-dump this MySql “cheat sheet” will grow over time.  Feel free to add your favorite MySql commands in the comments, if their […]

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Putting ‘lsof’ to use

lsof is a powerful tool that has proven very userful over the years in troubleshooting and forensic investigations.  Here are some useful lsof command examples: In this example we are looking at all the files a given process has open (pid=1655 here this is the zabbix agent) lsof -p 1767 Note you can clean up […]

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Changing the Volume Group Name

One of the problems with cloning a system is that it has the same volume group names as the server it was cloned from.  Not a huge problem but it can limit your ability to leverage the volume group.  The fix appears easy but there is a gotcha. RedHat provides a nice utility: vgrename If […]

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In support of the Kuali project. Setting up true fail over for the Kuali application servers.  Currently if a node went down, the user would need to re-authenticate.  The following procedure configures the system so it can lose a node and the users on that node will not lose their session. My part on the […]

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Extended ACLs

To remove permanently ACL from a file: # setfacl -bn file.txt To remove permanently ACL from an entire directory: # setfacl -b –remove-all To overwrite permissions, setting them to rw for files and rwx for dirs $ find . ( -type f -exec setfacl -m g:mygroup:rw ‘{}’ ‘;’ ) -o ( -type d -exec […]

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Fixing Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory

When this error: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory Shows up in /var/log/messages When trying to setup public key authenticated automatic logins, the problem is a permissions one. You’ll need to perform the following commands on the user account you are trying to setup: chmod go-w ~/ chmod 700 ~/.ssh chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

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X11 error on login to RedHat Servers

I noticed that since the last set of patches many of my redhat 6 systems are reporting an X11 forwarding error after login: X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0 To correct this problem you need to install the following package yum install xorg-x11-xauth I have not had the time to investigate why this is […]

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Build a PaaS using Open Source Software

Discussion about OpenShift.  OpenShift has been fully open-sourced, available on GitHub for local deployment, or directly usable as a hosted solution. Rule #1: IaaS != PaaS Virtual machines : Application is not necessarily 1:1 Rule #2: PaaS is not a silver … Continue reading

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Application High Availability in Virtual Environments Great discussion around Red Hat’s solutions for clustering, fencing, etc, in virtualized environments. Fencing is /very/ important for shared resources, especially disk.  In a virtualized world (RHEV, VMWare, etc), fencing tools can reach right into the hypervisor to kill … Continue reading

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