OpenLDAP: Bootstrapping a minimal cn=config

Here is how to bootstrap OpenLDAP’s slapd with an absolutely minimal configuration, without needing an intermediate slapd.conf, with one feature — the local root user (uid=0/gid=0) has “manage” access.  From this point, ldapmodify can be used via ldapi to continue … Continue reading

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Need a quick proxy via SSH?

Need access to a web site, tucked behind a firewall?  Do you already have a public SSH server set up to allow access, but not sure how to tunnel your HTTP session?  It’s easy! ssh -N -D <user>@<ssh server … Continue reading

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When Linux Hangs or Completely Freezes

There’s a great post about using special keyboard combinations to unjam a frozen Linux box here. Also, the same information is available in Wikipedia.

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July 1 2012 Linux problems? High CPU/Load? Probably caused by the Leap Second!

(Update posted, see below) As posted in multiple places around the web: Debian /etc/init.d/ntp stop date `date +”%m%d%H%M%C%y.%S”` Red Hat /etc/init.d/ntpd stop date `date +”%m%d%H%M%C%y.%S”` Update: This first manifested itself for us in our Java stacks — all of our … Continue reading

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Build a PaaS using Open Source Software

Discussion about OpenShift.  OpenShift has been fully open-sourced, available on GitHub for local deployment, or directly usable as a hosted solution. Rule #1: IaaS != PaaS Virtual machines : Application is not necessarily 1:1 Rule #2: PaaS is not a silver … Continue reading

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KVM Technology Review and Roadmap Update

KVM is a relatively small piece of code, leveraging Linux for much functionality.  This makes KVM easy to secure and very flexible in meeting future needs. Leveraging Linux means that KVM automatically gains the power of Linux’s hardware support, memory … Continue reading

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Application High Availability in Virtual Environments Great discussion around Red Hat’s solutions for clustering, fencing, etc, in virtualized environments. Fencing is /very/ important for shared resources, especially disk.  In a virtualized world (RHEV, VMWare, etc), fencing tools can reach right into the hypervisor to kill … Continue reading

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Distributed File System Choices: Red Hat Storage, GFS2, & pNFS

Red Hat has several options for storage needs — GFS2, CIFS, (p)NFS, Gluster.  It’s all about right tool for the job. RHEL Resilient Storage – GFS2 Shared storage, scales up to 100TB per instance, supports 2-16 nodes in the … Continue reading

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PHP Debugging: Displaying Error Message in HTML output

When debugging PHP code, it can be useful to display PHP errors within the output. Normally, PHP error messages are written to the Apache log. To have PHP errors in your browser output, you can use this command in your … Continue reading

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Starting Google Apps and GAM (Google Apps Manager)

GAM is a command-line tool for manipulating Google Apps accounts. It is written in Python, and uses Google’s gdata Python module. GAM is documented at The gdata Python module is documented at Installing GAM When you install GAM, … Continue reading

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