Put A TimeStamp on Bash History

Sometimes, it is very helpful to have a timestamp on bash history, that way it’s easier to know the exact time a command was executed. To put a timestamp on history, run the following command; HISTTIMEFORMAT=”%d/%m/%y %T ” That’s all. Next time you run the history command, the history will display with timestamp. Hope someone […]

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ulimits and my limits

Even Linux systems have their limits!  One of the systems I manage started throwing a “Too many open files” error in /var/log/messages.  No error is good but this error is fixable.  A little tuning and the error goes away.  On this particular server we were running the Oracle Client and a Java Application, two very […]

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When did that change?

Trying to shutdown an old web server from the late 1990’s that had it’s guts transplanted onto a newer system around 2003 and again around 2009. As you can imagine there are accounts and files that are like those items in your junk drawer, they beg the question…why is this here?! In an attempt to […]

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Cacti, RRDs, and Disk Block Sizes

Abstract Disk block size on Linux for the ext2/3/4 file system does not affect the amount of data written to disk.  Apparently, all of the allowed values for blocksize (1024, 2048 or the default of 4096 bytes) result in data … Continue reading

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Recursive Gzip Sometimes Helps

Everyone knows that gzip’ing a file will usually make it smaller, but gzip’ing it again will not. In other words, once you’ve compressed a file, it won’t compress further.   But here’s an exception. If you make a file of … Continue reading

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mailservertest: A command line script to test mail servers

mailservertest can be used to make testing mail servers a bit easier. It is a short script written in Python. Here a few use cases. You’ve just restarted a number of mail servers, and you want to verify that they … Continue reading

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Running the Citrix Reciever on Linux

Setting up a new linux workstation and after installing the Citrix Receiver and attempting to start a module (Outlook) I got the dread SSL error: Having run into this every 6 months or so I decided it was time to … Continue reading

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Configuring Apache to Redirect All Traffic to One Local URL

GOAL You want to redirect all requests to your web server to a single page on the server. PROBLEM Note that redirection to an entirely different server is trivial with RedirectMatch. You can redirect all traffic to http://my-server.org to http://other-server.org … Continue reading

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Setting up MySQL over TLS

MySQL supports session encryption using TLS. Here’s how to configure your server and client to use it. On The Server To start, you will need a server SSL certificate file and a key file, and a file containing the certificate … Continue reading

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External Mapping of LDAP attributes in CAS

One of the features that is attractive about CAS is it’s ability to pass LDAP attributes to a specified application via SAML. This functionality is starting to become more heavily used by our web developers, creating demand for more and more attributes to mapped. An issue arose from this; CAS must be rebuilt every time […]

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