Frequently Asked Question

How do I create a new simple product in WooCommerce?
Last Updated 2 months ago

To create a new simple product in WooCommerce, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to "Products" in the sidebar menu and click on "Add Product."  (as pictured)

  3. Enter a title for your product in the "Product Name" field. (as pictured)

  4. In the main content area (Product Description), add a description of your product using the editor.  You can use the rich editor or switch to text only (upper right-hand tab of the Product Description area)
  5. Scroll down to the "Product Data" section (as pictured below):

  6. Select the "Simple product" option from the dropdown menu (this is the Default Option).
  7. Set the regular price for your product in the "Regular Price" field.
  8. If applicable, enter a sale price in the "Sale Price" field.
    1. You can set a Schedule for the sale price so you do not have to manually remove it when the sale ends.
  9. If desired, use left-side menu of the Product Data section to add product data such as SKU, stock status, weight, and dimensions in the relevant fields. (fro example see picture below):

  10. (Optional) Configure any additional settings and options as needed, such as inventory management, shipping options, or linked products (see above picture).
  11. (Optional) The "Product Short Description" field, can be used to provide a concise summary or highlight of your product if it has an overly long Product description.
  12. In the "Product Categories" section, assign the product to one or more categories by checking the appropriate boxes. (see picture):

  13. (Optional) Set product tags if applicable, by typing them in the "Product Tags" field.
  14. Go to the Right-Hand Menu and scroll down to the "Product Image" section. (see picture):

  15. Click on the "Set product image" link to upload or select an image from the media library.
  16. Once you have completed all the necessary information, Choose "Save Draft" if you don't want the item listed yet. If you want to make the item available in your store select the "Publish" button to make your simple product live on your WooCommerce store! (see picture):


By following these steps, you can create a new simple product in WooCommerce. This type of product is suitable for items without variations, such as individual physical or digital products that do not require options or attributes.

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